ASAF AVIDAN | Abgesagt
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ASAF AVIDAN | Abgesagt

Das Konzert muss leider abgesagt werden. Ticketrückgabe dort möglich, wo gekauft.

Hier das offizielle Statement:

Hey everyone,

the Anagnorisis Spring tour is coming to a stop due to myself and other members of my band contracting Covid.

As you may know, I have been feeling ill and have canceled three shows to allow myself to heal and continue the tour. Although I am already feeling much better, I have tested positive for Covid, which means, in accordance with German regulations, I will need to stay in quarantine until I test negative. This can take over a week, and as other members of my band have tested positive after me, it may take more time before they will be able to be released from quarantine. All this to say, that in respect to the current regulations, and with the responsibility due to crews and fans alike, the only right thing to do at this stage is to stop, rest, regroup and come back this summer to continue.

I really, really wanted to finish what we started, and I was looking forward and working hard to get back on stage. I’m disappointed and sad that we have to stop in the middle, but I’m honestly insanely proud of my entire team for getting so far.

Going out to tour internationally in the middle of a global pandemic was a known risk. We knew regulation changes, unexpected case rises, and general reluctance for people to go out and buy tickets pushed most artists to cancel their tours. But for us, stupid or courageous, or just simply sick of waiting any longer, we decided that we are doing this tour no matter what.

And we did! In less than a month we played our hearts out in front of thousands of people. These were beautifully saturated evenings with other human beings. Live music!

It breaks my heart that we have to cancel the rest of the shows and not experience these kinds of moments in the rest of the planned cities. But we will get there. We are reminded again and again by these last couple of years that we are only human, fragile and impotent, and that there are some things that are just beyond our control. But in this month of performing again I saw all these “only humans” in their most beautiful form. Gathering together in halls to go through their emotions with dignity and beauty through the aesthetics of art. Understanding our fragility and insignificance, and yet daring to say we will continue 🙂 So yes. We will quarantine. Regenerate. Regroup. And then we will continue. See you very soon everyone. Stay well.




Hinweis zur Anfahrt:

Auf dem Gelände der Kantine stehen 100 kostenpflichtige Parkplätze zur Verfügung. Öffentliche Ausweichparkplätze befinden sich in fußläufiger Nähe. Bitte auf keinen Fall wild im Gewerbegebiet parken! Gerade bei größeren Veranstaltungen empfehlen wir allerdings ausdrücklich die Anreise mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.

Weitere Details dazu findet ihr hier!